I don't know what to say other than God is busy at work...
Last week we finally receive our referral for Zoe Grace and we got to see her picture for the first time and now this week our friends, Brad & Rachel, finally received their court date!!! F I N A L L Y ! ! !
For those of you who have been following our blog for a while you have heard the names Brad & Rachel. They were the original couple that we talked to about adopting and they are the ones who finally gave us the “push” of confidence out of the nest to pursue those feelings. They have been such great friends and an even better resource right here in Montgomery. After their LONG almost two year process they are getting to leave VERY soon to go meet their baby girl. (Due to security reasons I am not going to post any ‘details’ about their trip or when they leave. Those of us adopting understand that we can't share anything until it's all over.)
If you have a moment this week say a special prayer for them as they get ready to go into this next chapter of their lives. I know I am being very vague about this, but I don’t want to say too much. So pray for them this week, next week, the following week and on forward…. and say a very special prayer for Little Caroline who is will be one of the best big sisters ever!
Until next time.
-j.w. godwin