The post before this one was about a couple here in town who is adopting a baby girl from Uganda - Amelia. They were the first couple that KC and I met and talked to at Saint James UMC and by meeting them we finally had the courage to take our leap of faith to adopt. Well on behalf of them to all of you who prayed for them – THANK YOU ! Rachel sent me this message earlier today and I have to share it.
“Four years ago, God whispered to my heart that I would have children who did not come from my body… and He placed within me an unquenchable love for my future babies.
Our daughter Caroline came the old fashioned way… our sweet surprise! Then in 2009, we answered God’s calling by beginning our process to bring Amelia home.
Nearly two years, 57 photographs, and five major adoption delays later, we realize that this adoption is in God’s control, and that only His miraculous hands can bring our daughter home.
Make no mistake. Amelia is already our daughter, even if it is not yet the case legally. God planned her for us since the foundations of the earth. While untold obstacles continue to stand in the way of our getting to her, we KNOW that God has already won the victory. The body of Christ is coming together in prayer now, and miracles are already happening.
God has a special heart for adoption. Over two hundred years ago,
Jesus laid down His life to pay the costly fee for our own adoption into the family of God. Our Father knows and loves the beauty of adoption.
He longs for us to come to Him in the same way that our family longs for Amelia to come home to us. He will be victorious.
Please be a part of the miracle. Please be blessed to join us in praying, fasting, and fighting spiritual warfare for our precious Amelia. Join the fight, and see God move mountains. We know that God wants others to see His beauty and might through Amelia’s story. Please cry out to God with us, and we will all watch in awe as our Mighty Savior moves.”
Rachel also sent a message to several of us this morning and it said –
“Our Ugandan attorney called to ask if we'd like him to file our case. We said YES!!!! Here is how you can continue to pray! Please see specific prayer requests below:
1.) That our official documents arrive in Uganda through the mail system at WARP speed.
ANSWERED! God TRULY used "warp speed"!!
2.) That our Ugandan attorney feel an URGENCY for our case and attempt to file as soon as he has our documents.
Sounds like this is being answered, please pray that he follows through!!!
3.) That the courts are still accepting new cases once our documents arrive, even though it will be close to the holidays.
4.) That we are miraculously granted a court date and are able to travel AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, hopefully December!!!”
So there we have it people. We need to start at steps 2 and go through 4. Most of you are in the same boat as KC and I - you are adopting a baby and that is one of the reasons you read our blog. Well one thing that KC and I have learned through our adoption process is that we are all here for each other, even people we have never met. As brothers and sisters in Christ it is our responsibility at moments like this to pray for others and help them through their “tough” moments. People who aren’t adopting sometimes have a difficult time understanding how emotional it can be to know that you have a baby somewhere out there and there is nothing you can do to get to him or her home any quicker. TRUST me – if there were any way Amelia and Zoe Grace would both already be home. I am reminded of Matthew 25:35-40 that says –
“35 For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ 37 Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? 38 And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ 40 And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”
Even though we all may not know each other, we all have a common bond. We are to help those least among us, as well as those we don't even know. Thank you ALL for your prayers for Rachel and Brad as well as for KC and I. We ALL appreciate them so much – and keep them coming.
Zoe Grace update: I am working on a post about that, I just had to go ahead and put this one up today so that everyone could celebrate with us their good news! More about Zoe to follow…
until later -
j.w. godwin